What do I want to be : The Writer’s Dilemma !

I want to become a writer. Yes, I want to be a writer !

I want to do the work that I love doing.

And most importantly I want to be happy doing that. That’s all there is ! Isn’t it ?

I want to write lot of songs, whatever is inside my heart, within me and I want to just pour it out on the paper ( or desktop : 3). I don’t know where has this urge come from, and it is so strong that I can’t help but write. I just have to write! It’s as if it is almost impossible to stop this. I have been wanting to write for few years now ( 5 years) ; but this time it isn’t letting me off the hook. It just seems like there is a lot within me wanting to come out and express itself in some form or the other. How has this happened? Why has this happened ? God knows! (phhhh..)

Maybe it’s the only time I am able to be myself. Maybe it’s the only time I am able to express myself; be myself; maybe it allows me a place where people don’t judge me; maybe I just want to write, coz I love it. Yeah, that’s it! I love writing and that’s why I want to do it! That’s it!

If I had all the money in the world or financial freedom you would call : I would want to be a writer ! I would want to do the work that I love doing! I would be myself and would love living like that ! No social pressure ! No expectations ! Nothing ! Just pure simple life ! Do the work that you love doing ! Plain Simple !

I wonder however, Why did the society become so complicated ! Why wouldn’t they let me be the way I want to be ! ( Of course, not being harmful to them! Duh-huh! But then why are they harming me; why are they expecting me to do a job that I don’t want to do! Why can’t I do the job that I love doing ? ) I do feel that I have a lot of potential and I must do it ! Like definitely give it a try ! Failure or Success ! I can’t guarantee that! Of course, no one can guarantee anything ! We are living in such unprecedented times; that a virus can come and snatch everything right away – right now from me; flowing through the air, from the smallest gaps of window; anything can happen as they say ! Expect the unexpected; they say!

But still, it’s our human tendency to feel secure, to have stability, to have job ( which is important by the way for survival ). But yeah, being a writer; like just writer; is definitely a riskily risk; it’s not a calculated one! ( Sadly, I know that as well; somewhere in my heart. It would have been really great perhaps; if I would have been a bit naïve in this regards, so as to take this deep plunge of faith and be happy regardless of the results! Alas, it isn’t so! I know a bit that I shouldn’t have known ! Damn it !)

You definitely have to be a bit lucky, in this regards and then what not of the other factors; if you have potential or not .. if you can do it or not… if you would be able to crack it or not .. no one knows! No one barely knows! But still; all a man can do is : ‘TRY’ ! Just TRY is all he can do! Give his best; is all he can do ! That’s all we can do! That’s all we must do!

And That’s what I am going to do ! I am just going to keep on writing; keep on writing; until the day comes or it doesn’t come ! It doesn’t matter ! To be honest, it matters, I know ; it matters ! I want to be successful in my arena of writing ! It is the work that I love doing ! And I want to be successful and the only way to find out is : Try ! Let’s see what happens ! At least I won’t have the regret that I didn’t try or did not give my best ! Huh ! Coz : All that matters is : Give Your Best !

Well, With that, I bid you all a good day, happiness and prosperity ! Thanks for having a read ! It definitely made my day! Hope it made yours !

In the end, If needed : Stay home ; Stay Safe ; Most Importantly : Stay Happy !

Thanks ! Ba-bye !


Me ! ( Aspiring Writer ….)

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