Is Everything pointless ?

The question that is bothering me for a while now – Is everything pointless ? Don’t get me wrong over here; I am not going through a depression or may be I am; I don’t know ! Frankly speaking, now I don’t care ! All I know is ; If I am in Depression, I want to come out of it and enjoy the beauty of life; and if I am not; I still want to do the same ; enjoy the beauty of life ! And by beauty : I mean everything the labels of ups and down; good and bad; absurd and weird; understandable and incomprehensible; all of it ! Deep down in my heart, however I only want good, better and best things to happen to me and all around the world; but that’s not how life is ! It doesn’t differentiate between our labels of good and bad !

However; the important note I want to mention whilst the fact that the thought provoking question I have put; doesn’t take away the fact that : Health is important; Career is important; the way I live; love and enjoy is also important; but at the same point it’s all pointless ! The labels that we put for our achievements, successes, appreciation, praises; is it going to matter when we are almost at the end of life ? The frank truth is I don’t know the answer, because I haven’t been near the deathbed yet ( Thankfully! or maybe just not thankfully – does it matter ? ). Although, something tells me that; when you are on your deathbed; those things won’t matter a lot. Yes, all the things are valuable ; health. career, money, house, etc … but what’s the value of this at the death ?

I mean : ” Death seems to such a weird phenomenon which adds value to the present actions; at the same time it makes them not so valuable at all”. I mean it’s such a perplexing phenomenon that all the meaning you have attributed has been only by you. Life probably doesn’t have meaning in it and I wonder why are/were we even searching for meaning, purpose and fulfillment and satisfaction in the first place ? Where did it all come from ? Was it just natural phenomenon or mind conditioning ? How did it all happen ?

Yes, I know we don’t have answers to many questions in the world ! But the curiosity and search to find these answers is what makes me live ! Probably my purpose ! ( :3 Duh ! What am I saying ! Trying to be spooky .. haha)

Anyways, my final answer as of now is : Yes, Life is probably pointless in its own-self ! It is just Life ! That’s it ! It has only one purpose : It wants to live ! Nothing else, until the day comes over to take it away and die ofcourse !

Other than that, any other purpose or something that ticks you is the meaning you find in or the purpose you have found; that fulfils you or the meaning that you have attributed; the emotion that you have connected it with; the experiences you have had; the beliefs you keep with yourself; the surroundings you found yourself in; the persona and the environment you got influenced by; the truth you thought; the perspective you kept; the values you fed into; the actions you bought into; the life that you lived into ! That’s what has made you or probably even something else that my mind didn’t catch onto …. That’s what Life is ! That’s how Life is! Let Life be just Life ! Cheers !

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