What is Life All About?

What is Life All About?

The truth is I don’t know… I don’t know the answer again… I wonder sometimes what do I even Know?

Do I know anything? And Everything I know, or observed turns into dust again, once the opposite of that happens… and you wind up with nothing or something…. again I don’t know !

However, All I know is one thing that matters is ‘Peace’. Life is about being at absolute peace from within, like when we were children. We were absolutely happy. Did we think about success? No ! Did we think Success gives happiness? No! We were just happy! As far as I remember, we were always blissful!

However, one thing that also differentiates us from children is worries, responsibilities. We had someone to take care of ; No worries, No responsibilities! Hurrah! However, as we grow up, we have responsibilities, worries, liabilities, real world experiences, harsh truth, heartbreaks and that’s how life goes on … but still at the end of the day in our heart we try to find peace, happiness and bliss .. Love .. that keeps us going on … Faith.. keeps us going on .. Hope keeps us going on … that it will get better .. that we will live happier …that we will be better !

So, Life is about being at Absolute Peace, feeling happiness and bliss from within !

Thank You !

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